There are levels to going on the perfect hot girl walk. Whether it be the music, who you’re going with, or your reasoning for it, the hot girl walk is an exercise, a social event, anything you want it to be. With it finally being summer, the hot girl walk allows you to get time outside with your friends (or by yourself) while also getting physically fit. Here are some of the best ways to make your hot girl walk worth it.
My friends and I started going on hot girl walks during the summer of 2020, when things began opening back up. It was the perfect opportunity to be able to see my friends while still maintaining social distance, especially being outdoors. After being in lockdown for months and resorting to going for walks by myself to pass the time, these walks with my friends became special moments during our summer. Since then, we have continued our hot girl walks, going outside and walking for miles and miles. Our long-term experience of hot girl walks has allowed us to perfect them. So I present to you your steps to make the most out of your hot girl walk!
Step 1:
Text your friends and invite them on the walk. This part is self-explanatory, but doing this will coordinate where you want to go on your walk. You can go to the nearest park or bike path, you can even go on a hike or to your local school’s track. Anywhere outdoors where you are able to move freely is the perfect destination!
Step 2:
Pick out your outfit. Now, this is not called a hot girl walk for nothing. If you have a matching workout set, wear that! Any cute fitness attire, go for it! Just be cautious in the bottoms of your choosing; if you are walking long distances your legs may chafe. I recommend leggings or if it is really hot outside, find a comfortable pair of biker shorts. Depending on where you go, don’t forget sunscreen and bug spray, two brutal obstacles of a hot girl walk for sure.
Step 3:
Curate the perfect playlist for your walk! If you have a regular workout playlist, that is perfectly fine; this walk is about making you feel comfortable and confident both during and after the exercise, so choose any tunes that get you pumped up and that you and your friends love. Usually, I listen to my party playlist or, if it’s a really sunny and beautiful day, we listen to more feel-good tunes. If I am on a hot girl walk by myself, I tune into a podcast. Any podcast that revolves around your interests is perfect. Below, you will find links to some of my favorites!
These are the three main steps to a successful hot girl walk. Follow them and enjoy your newfound appreciation for the outdoors and newfound confidence in yourself. Have fun getting those steps in!!